Friday, June 16, 2023

Interesting Anzio, Italy

 Our visit to Anzio was an educational surprise. We found a charming town center near a calm bay and marina where fishermen anchor their boats and sell fresh fish right on the dock. The beaches along the Tyrannian Sea are perfect! No wonder this has been a favorite resort location for Romans since ancient times! Today, beach-goers can rent all the accoutrements needed for a glorious day at the beach!!!  

However, in January of 1944 it was not so calm and beautiful. 

Over 350 ships, cruisers, warships, landing craft and other vessels arrived just after midnight on 22 January.

This pristine beach was a battlefield for over four months as the Allied Forces wrestled control of Italy from the German Army! 

A touching memoriam is posted near the water: "To all sailors who lost their lives during the Anzio landings and battles. Lest we forget." It is hard to share Anzio without remembering what took place there. 

From the dock of the bay we looked south towards Nettuno where the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery is located that we shared in the previous post. 

Other sights from Anzio included ...a monument to Anzio's fishermen....
...many elegant seaside villas....
...and this abandoned and decaying "palace" structure. It seems that the developer's plans in the 1920's, was to provide entertainment to the aristocrats. Named the "Paradiso sul Mare" (Paradise by the Sea), it was slated to be an event center, gambling hall and brothel. Pope Pius X did not want a building dedicated to vice too close to the heart of Christianity and had it closed.  During the battles in Anzio, the Army headquartered there. 

Going to Anzio was a great combination of savoring views of the sea, contemplating history and dreaming of our return to Anzio Beach!