Sunday, December 18, 2022

Saint Peter's Basilica - Vatican City, Rome

A lovely afternoon/evening walk in Rome took us to Saint Peter's Basilica. 
It was the perfect day and time to avoid the typical crowds. 
Bravery and curiosity compelled us to make our way up to the dome. From there we were able to get a better perspective of the size of the basilica. We also got a good look at the millions of mosaic tiles.... (see the 1/2 inch gold squares in the above photo).  
...that it took to create the many, many intricate and beautiful designs on the walls and ceilings.
The bright blue squares at the top of this picture show the dome walkway where we were able to look a long way down to the floor of the vast cathedral. 
We learned that the structure was begun in 1506 and completed in 1626 
and that it is the largest church in the world by interior measure. It is massive and beautiful!
This is a sculpture by Michelangelo 1498-1499 call the Pietà.  
St. Peter's Square is decorated with an enormous Christmas tree with animated lights, 
and a life-sized wooden manger scene.
 The columned areas around the piazza displayed over 100 different manger scenes from around the world. It was a sweet experience to see so many celebrating Christmas by remembering and honoring
the birth of the Christ child.

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