Monday, December 19, 2022

Panetone and Pandoro Pandemonium

 There is always fun in store when Katie is around! It was great to have her with us for about a week.     She had us play a game by selecting and taste-testing different Panetone. The stores are filled with towering displays of boxes of various flavors cakes.

During our game, we learned that this tall, star-shaped, light and fluffy cake is not a Panetone at all but is   called Pandoro. We also did some research and learned that this popular Christmas treat dates back to 1495. During a fancy Christmas banquet given by the Duke of Milan, the dessert burned. A young cook called Toni came up with a rich brioche bread filled with raisins and candied fruit. The Duke loved it and so began the tradition or "Pane di Toni" (bread of Toni)!!! Later in 1821 Panettone become the symbol of liberty in Italy. Red candied cherries and green-colored citrus were added to create the red, white and green Italian flag. Or so the story goes...
Panetone are usually round in shape, of a dense texture and can be filled 
with citron, raisins, and puddles of Nuttella, pistachios or lemon pudding. 
The ones we tasted were delicious and we could hardly decide which was best tasting. 
Did you know that left-over Panetone and Pandoro can be made into divine French Toast!?!? 
We voted unanimously that this was our favorite way to eat these cakes!!  

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