Monday, October 23, 2023

Smooth-talking Salesman

Today we visited the Mercato to see what kind of produce is available now that the seasons have changed. We had only a few items on our shopping list and were almost ready to leave when....

 ...we met this very nice produce peddler at stall/box #76. We had to capture a photo of the guy who managed to charm Frugal Frank into buying 3 overflowing bags of veg and fruit loot!!
 We laughed as we carried our bags of fresh tomatoes, potatoes, onions, clementine oranges, and the most amazing green grapes that we have ever tasted. We also bought some persimmons (called Kaki) to make in to a Persimmon Pie. In addition, the peddler sent us home with of charge...some bananas and a bundle of fresh carrots, celery and parsley for making sofrito or mirepoix as well as a very fun memory. Now that is a smooth-talking salesman!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

"The Most Delicious Fruit Known to Man" - Mark Twain

What fruit might Mr. Twain have been talking about? The Cherimoya! We had the sweet opportunity of tasting it while in Reggio. We had no idea that this very strange, green fruit would turn out to be of such acclaim!.  
It was soft and ripe and inside were multiple pods of soft, white pulp around large black seeds. The flavor was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! We had never tasted anything quite like it. Imagine the combined tastes of pineapple, peach, pear and strawberry. The texture has been described as pudding inside of a skin. Yes, Mr. Twain....the Cherimoya fruit is absolutely delicious! 

Back home in Rome, we hunted for them at the large open-air fruit/veg Mercato, found the only vendor that sold them and bought them all to share with our friends. So, if in your travels, you are lucky enough to run across this strange looking tropical fruit...don't hesitate, buy it, try it and you will agree that it is "the most delicious fruit known to man"!!! 

(FYI: The outer skin and seeds are NOT edible.)