Sunday, April 21, 2024

A Sabbath Day Stroll in Rome

After church on Sunday we visited several religious places with our friends, Art and Sherrie Kline, and found respectful, reverent feelings there. Our top three favorites were....

1. Michelangelo's "Christ Bearing the Cross" in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. This has been our favorite sculpture since we first discovered it. Each time we see it we are moved by the courage and strength the artist captured in the countenance of the Savior of Mankind. 
2. Finding this presepe/scene, displayed in that same church was a surprise. It was similar to a Christmas manger scene, with multiple vignettes depicting events in the life of Christ.  
 We found depictions of His birth, baptism, teaching, healing, washing the feet of his apostles, sharing the Last Supper, being tried, hanged on the cross, and then our favorite scene.....a tomb with a circular rock that mechanically rolls away to open the tomb!!! 
We had never seen anything like this before!!
3. Behind these normal looking doors we discovered a really unique place....The Holy Stairs.

This was FASCINATING!! The Catholics believe that the Emperor Constantine’s mother, Helena, brought back from Jerusalem, the 28 stone steps that Jesus walked as he entered Pilate’s palace to be tried and eventually condemned. They are in a sanctuary with three staircases, each with frescos of Bible scenes painted on the ceilings and walls. The center stairway contains the 28 stone stairs and is reserved for those who want to crawl on their knees to the top, pausing to pray on each one. We admire those who make the long, painful, faith-filled crawl.  It was a very tender sight! 

We were greatly moved by the statues at the base of the stairways depicting 

stirring moments from Jesus’ final days…

The Latin inscription translates to "Not my will by thine be done" - in the Garden of Gethsemane
"You betray the Son of Man" - the betraying kiss from Judas Iscariot 
" This is your hour and your tender power" - Pilate presenting Jesus to the angry mob
"Pilate seized Jesus and scourged Him" - the judgment and condemnation is carried out
Jesus' corpse is received and cared for by his family and friends. 
We have gained historic and spiritual learning from our strolls through Rome. What an education!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Refreshing Friendships

A group of missionaries and co-workers gathered to say goodbye to us and two other couples. There is a special richness that comes from knowing and loving people in far away places.  

Four women who started out as strangers but blended their skills in service to the workers and patrons in the Rome Temple and in the process became dear friends. 

 Melanie and Bill were traveling through Europe in time for a very special visit just one month before our departure. “A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” – Isadora James

Art and Sherrie Kline came to Italy and we were able to explore with them!! 
Sharing the hidden treasures of Rome doubles the joy of discovery!! 
Tami and Tauna made time during their European Tour for a quick visit. We knew them when they were teens in the Bountiful 7th Ward. Now they are beautiful grandmothers!! Tami surprised us by bringing a cardboard cutout of AJ and Cami to include in photos on the Temple Grounds. 
Friends make life a lot more fun!!
 Diana Marchetti was serving as a missionary on Temple Square when we first met her in about 2013 and we have kept in touch ever since. She lives near Rome which allowed us to visit a few times since we have been here. What a delightful surprise it was to "bump" in to her and her family as we left the temple recently. This sweet friendship refreshes our souls!