Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Take a walk with us! The Capitoline Hill in Rome's Ancient Center

 An hour bus ride took us from our place to our first visit to Rome just 8 miles away to the Piazza Venezia and then we began our walk back through time!  Here are a few of our favorite sights:

The Victor Emmanuel II Monument. He was first king of united Italy.
On the left: The Aracoeli Steps leading to Santa Maria Church (read more below) were completed in 1348 to commemorate end of the plague.                           
On the right: The Cordonata designed by Michaelangelo (in about 1536) that lead up to the Piazza del Campidoglio.  
Michaelangelo designed the geometric paving on this oval piazza and the facades of the three surrounding buildings, now two museums and the city government offices.  
This interesting sculpture of the she-wolf suckling the mythical infant twins, Romulus and Remus, has been a symbol of Rome since ancient times. Since 1471 it has stood here by the Palazzo Senatorio, though many replicas can be seen in various places around the world. 
The Roman Forum. Constantly renovating the old and erecting new, this area ranged from a once chaotic place of food stalls, brothels, temples, government buildings, to later become a center for business, law and banking. Seems that dates range from as early as 5th century BC to as late as 203 AD. 

We wandered up, down, in front and behind the buildings on Capitoline Hill and found this little door and it lead into.....

Santa Maria in Aracoeli church dates back to the 6th century. 

The ceiling dating, from the 1480's, was amazing!!

Countless crypts like these lined nearly the entire floor.  Fascinating! Hope you enjoyed walking around this small part of ancient Rome with us! 

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