Monday, October 3, 2022

A Delicious Lunch with Good Friends

Meet our friends, Elia and Stefano! We worked with them in the Swiss Temple five years ago. We were so happy to reunite with them at the Rome Temple!!  

They invited us to lunch last week and really rolled out the Royal Roman Carpet with absolutely delicious food! In this pic, Elia puts the finishing touches on the first course, Spaghetti Carbonara made with freshly cooked, seasoned, and pureed pumpkin instead of was perfection!
Stefano and Elia were born and raised in Rome, have two grown-up children, love to globetrot and have beautiful mementos of their world travels displayed in their home. He is currently the bishop of one of the wards in Rome and they work at the temple with us on Friday evenings. They are working on learning English so our lunch conversation ping-ponged between our two languages. Of course, GoogleTranslate helped us when we got stuck!!  
For the second course, Elia served tender Chicken Cutlets with mushrooms and truffles, marinated eggplant and green bean/potato/tomato salad.  All of it was fantastic! At their table we were introduced to a new treat...honey drizzled on a variety of Italian cheeses!!!  
What a terrific time we had sharing great food and musical conversation with our sweet friends in Rome! 

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