Friday, December 9, 2022

Magical Music Moment

Sometimes tender mercies and heavenly hugs come in Musical Packaging. 
I was running early for our shift at the temple, Frank was home recovering from a bad cold, so I went into the Visitors Center to look around for a bit. I bumped in to our friend and fellow Temple co-worker. In Italian, with some English, he asked if I would like to join him and his classical guitar in the large windowed room where the Christus statue is located. 
YES, grazie!! 
Those few minutes of a spontaneous "concert" touch my heart in so many ways. Just 3 other people were in the room at the time, outside the window was the beautiful Rome temple, inside the room was the magnificent sculpture of Christ, the acoustics echoed the simple melody of Silent Night played by a talented, humble and kind friend. On top of all that emotion came thoughts of my Dad who played the guitar and who would have appreciated this casual, surprise performance. I was overwhelmed with the tender Heavenly message of love orchestrated just for me. It was amazing! 

Click on this SILENT NIGHT link to go to YouTube to listen to our friend and his beautiful music.

Before I left I sat by him to tell him how much I appreciated his music and just then he started playing the Primary song "I Am a Child of God" and I started quietly singing the words. He encouraged me to continue and we shared a very sweet duet. What a magical, musical moment!

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