Friday, January 13, 2023

An Amazing Educational Experience

What to do on a rainy P-day? Ride the bus into Rome to check out a free video shown by the Chamber of Commerce in their office building housed in this structure built by the Emperor Hadrian in 136 B.C.  

We learned so much from the amazing video (available in English with the use of headsets) which was projected on the floor, walls and ceiling with surround sound. It told the history of Hadrian, his life, military career, and success as a great builder of the Roman Empire. The film gave us the illusion of flying over Rome in different eras and visually took us inside monuments, palaces, churches and squares. 
 Eleven columns of the original structure are still standing and form the facade of the building. Other displays in the building gave more glimpses of ancient Rome. We learned so much!!


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