Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Ponte Nomentano - The Nomantano Bridge

Our walk to this beautiful, very old Roman bridge tower was well worth the steps! Located about 2 miles from our apartment, we were charmed by its history and setting.  

The original bridge dates to around 190BC. That makes it over 2,000 years old!! 
Located on the old Via Nomentano road where it crosses the Ariene River, a tributary of the Tiber River, it was one of the most important bridges coming in from the north to Rome. 
Though no longer surrounded by vast and empty expanses of Roman countryside as it did anciently, it is surrounded by large green parks on both sides of it. 
It is easy to see why it was a popular subject for artists who captured it in sketches and paintings such as this one painted in 1775 by Joseph Wright of Darby.  


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