Sunday, February 12, 2023

Delightful Discoveries

Last P-day we planned to make our way to see Michelangelo's powerful marble statue of Moses, completed in 1515 A.D. It is amazing and so life-like! As always, our field trip included other discoveries, too. Here is just a sampling. 
Our friends and fellow explorers, the Schmidts from St. George, outside the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. This is in a section of Rome we had not yet explored. It was a sunny but windy and chilly day.
The Imperial Fora (100 A.D.) is just across the road from the better-known Roman Fora (plural for forum). It is fascinating to look at it and try to imagine that it once was a public space with markets (similar to our malls), theaters and religious and government buildings.  
Saint Mary Magdelene Church (1500s) with lots of statues, paintings, etc. of Christ. This church had a special feel to it. 
St. Mark's Church from 336 A.D. with fantastic mosaic ceiling. It is old and dark and sits at the original street level which is a few steps down from modern day street level. It is connected/attached to Palazza/palace Venezia.

We look forward to our next day of discovery!!!

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