Monday, July 31, 2023

Tonno/Tuna Love

Canned tuna fish is a BIG thing here in Italy! An entire bank of shelving at our grocery store is stacked from floor to ceiling with canned or jarred tuna.  

We have seen tuna served in pasta dishes, in chopped salads, made into a sauce served over veal, baked into loaves of bread and even on pizza. 90% of the Italian population buys tuna on a regular basis and one in two Italians eat tuna at least once a week. 
 This "tonno tale" came full circle for us when we tied these observations to Frank’s Grandma Susie and her delicious, but simple tuna salad. Now we understand that she brought her love of tuna with her from her homeland in Italy to Brooklyn, New York....and she shared it with us. If you are tuna fan, look for the brands packed in olive oil and if you are lucky enough to see the “Rio Mare” brand on the shelf at your grocery store….buy it, try it and love it like an Italian!!

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