Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Part 2 - Relaxin' and Ramblin' Around Reggio - A Bit of History

The History of Reggio 

Reggio Calabria is located at the tip of the toe of Italy. Some say it looks like it is kicking Sicily! 

It has a long, long history. Stone ruins have been unearthed from the days when the Greeks, Normans, and Angevins inhabited the land as well the Argonese who built the castle shown above. The remains of a bathing complex is evidence that the Romans were here, too. That's a pretty cool oval "hot tub"!!

The Fishing Village of Cannitello

Just up the shore line...about 23 the sleepy little fishing village of Cannitello. We picked a beautiful cloudy day to take the train and then walk along the sea front to visit. 
Italy has miles and miles of coastline and fishing is a way of life. Most popular are the Swordfish and Bluefin Tuna that swim in the warm waters off the Calabrian coast but that requires using boats. Because the water gets really deep just off the shore, these fishermen don't need to "haul up anchor" in order to catch the main dish for dinner tonight.  
As we walked along the shore we saw many kinds and sizes of ships out on the water making their way out to sea. 

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