Friday, September 29, 2023

Part 5 - Relaxin' and Ramblin' Around Reggio - A Day-trip to Scilla

The Beautiful Town of Scilla

Pictures can't begin to capture the beauty of this gem! Scilla is a 20 minute train ride north of Reggio. 

Scilla is composed of two parts: The beach front with its smooth pebble sands and perfect warm waters that are protected from the chilly currents in the strait. 
The other part of the Scilla sits high above the water with the remains of the Ruffo Castle, from the 10th century, jutting out into the sea. On top is the town center with stores, homes, schools, etc. 
Until recently the only way to get to the top was to walk many, many stairs. Now for the affordable price of 1 euro, an elevator takes you up twelve stories to the top. Well worth it!

Around the bend from the castle is the hidden marina and fishing neighborhood of Chianalea (kee-ah-na-lay-ah). Quiet and quaint and captivating!!
Narrow streets limit motorized vehicles to vespas or mini cars. The sea laps right up to the houses allowing some residents to "park" their boat just outside their front door!!
 The marina is charming! This is where fisherman unload their catch-of-day for the local chefs to prepare and serve at several little restaurants in Chianalea and Scilla. 
We enjoyed a delicious a seaside panini lunch. We loved the Swordfish with Pistachio Pesto and the Octopus with Burrata panino was out of this world!! This ramble to Scilla will be one we remember and relive over and over again.

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