Monday, November 27, 2023

Come Dine With Me! - Vieni a cenare con me!

We accepted this invitation from our friends, the Guidara family, and had an amazing time! The previous post shows the olive harvesting experience. Now we will share the dinner experience!

But before dinner we harvested a few olives from some ot the Guidara's 300 olive trees.
It required donning "harvesting footwear" then dragging the nets to the orchard where we used small hand-held rakes to shake the olives off the tree. 
The women were called in from the orchard by Nonna Rosita who insisted that each of them took a turn shaping the homemade pasta. She rubbed and warmed up our hands before showing us how to place the small ball of pasta on the knitting needle and roll it into the correct shape. At age 93, this Sicilian born sweetheart has had LOTS of experience making this type of pasta. We asked what the shape is called and chuckled when she told us is called "macaroni". 
Her daughter-in-law, Silvia, cooked up the pasta and served it in a delicious mushroom sauce. Stuffed cabbage rolls and a chicory sauté came next followed by sweet and delectable dessert.  
The Mumfords, Weeds, Boyntons and Sanos considered it a great blessing to experience the hospitality and friendship of...
...the kind and generous Guidara family in their beautiful farm home in the Italian countryside. 
(An interesting side note: As we chatted, Elder Weed, who served in Italy as a young missionary, recalled Silvia's maiden name of Perticaroli to a family he knew when he was here in the early 1970's. She confirmed it and we all celebrated the connection! He told us that he has an old photo of the Perticaroli family. They deduced that Silvia would have been just 2-years-old. What a small world/piccolo mondo it is!)

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