Friday, November 3, 2023

Villa Borghese

With tickets in hand to the Borghese Art Gallery, we arrived early with the intent of seeing the grounds first. However, it didn't take long to realize that a quick walk around would NOT be sufficient to absorb the immense green spaces, beautiful tree lined pathways, fountains, monuments, and other attractions contained within the 200 acres of this amazing park!    

Into the Galley we went and here are some unforgettable sights from the Bernini collection. We have become big fans of the talented Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), super star of the art world!!

Bernini - "The Rape of Proserpina", 1622. Pluto has a firm grip on her thigh and the stone shows the! 
Bernini - "Apollo and Daphne", 1625. Apollo's limbs from marble in suspended motion. Daphne is morphing to a tree to escape Apollo's touch and her toes are growing fine web-like roots...crazy talent!
Bernini - "David", 1624. How do you chip away at stone to get that rope for his slingshot?! 
Bernini -"Aeneas", the man carrying his father, "Anchises", on his shoulders as they flee from the burning Troy and his baby boy, "Ascanius", clinging to his leg. 1618 - 1619. The detail of the feet on each person was amazing....strong healthy man's feet, chubby baby feet and boney older man's feet...fascinating!

Of course there were many, many other artists featured in the 20 room gallery full of sculptures, paintings, mosaics, etc, etc, but 2 hours was the allotted time of our tickets. Now we could explore the park. A mini-train ride helped us to see some of the vast gardens of the Villa Borghese. Here are just a VERY FEW of the sights we want to remember....

The Aviary.
The Gardens of Diana.
A stroll along tree-lined pathways.
Fountains and meadows.
Something lovely to behold around every turn.  We are so glad to have spent a day at the Villa and Galleria Borghese!!

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