Monday, January 1, 2024

Quiet Beauty - #2

 Our very favorite find of the day! 

The Thursday after Christmas, while strolling near Piazza Navonna, we noticed a nondescript doorway with a deep courtyard beyond. We had tripped upon The Church of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza. 
It is strikingly different from most of the churches we have visited in Rome. It contains just one painting is over the altar. There are no statues. Most churches are very elaborate, full of colors, artwork, symbols, figures, and gold accoutrements. 
But, this church is different, it is ornate but not with things. Its ornateness comes from the concave and convex corners and edges and everything being white. It was built in the mid-1600s and is regarded as a masterpiece of Baroque architecture. It was the chapel for the University of Rome, thus the name Sapienza which means knowledge or wisdom. 
And the "steeple" is awesome!! 
It is a remarkable spiraling lantern that looks very much like a soft-serve ice cream cone!!
Now here is the fun part of this find!! This church is typically open ONLY on Sunday...but we "tripped" upon its open door on a Thursday! That is what we call splendid serendipity!! 

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