Monday, March 4, 2024

Blessed by our Temple Missionary Friends

 At least once a month the Temple Missionaries get together for dinner. 

This time the "excuse" was to welcome a new couple, the Andersens, from Gunnnison, Utah. Other locations represented were São Paulo, Brazil, Davenport, Iowa, Clifton, Idaho, and Provo, Logan, Plain City, and Randolph, Utah.

The event is always filled with lively conversation, storytelling, delicious food and lots of laughter. Part of the "entertainment" at this event came when this crazy friend requested butter to put on his Italian bread. 
This is something that is seldom done in Italy. 
We laughed at the amazed waiters who stopped what they were doing just to watch this rare occurrence!  

There is a great camaraderie among all the workers at the Rome Temple. In last October General Conference, Elder Gary E. Stevenson counseled us to not only be in holy places, but to be with holy people with whom the Spirit can easily dwell. The Savior said it this way: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20. Our temple co-workers are holy people. They inspire us! We are blessed to work and play with them.  

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