Sunday, March 24, 2024

Return to Reggio and Random Things

 Last September we did a detailed post about our visit to Reggio Calabria. We love it there! So, during the temple closure, we returned to Reggio. Here are some of the things we enjoyed.... 

Fresh fruit and produce shops or trucks are found on practically every corner. 
Everything on this truck is 99 cents a kilo. 1 kilo = 2.2 pounds.
Pescheria or fish mongers are on every corner where there not a fruit vendor (that might be a bit of an exaggeration!) In this picture he is cutting a swordfish into nice thick steaks. 
It was Easter time and the Pastry Shops were selling traditional desserts including white candy lambs. 
The painted face on this one is a little scary!!
Italy is a dog-friendly country. The pooches are always on a leash and are mostly very well behaved. The owner of this snack shop, called a bar here, provides drinks for pets as well as for their people. 
While waiting an extra long time for our pizza to bake, the waiter brought us this bowl of....??? We discovered that they were tasty fried dough balls with a little piece of anchovy inside each one. They were surprisingly tasty. We might try making them at home to share with our fish-loving family!!
There are ferries that transport people, cars, semi-trucks, buses and trains across the Strait of Messina. 
We spent a couple of hours watching the fascinating way that they load and unload the ferries.  
Reggio has many churches. All old and well cared for structures. 
Villa Zerbi sits on the seaside promenade of Reggio.
 It was built in 1915 for the aristocratic Genoese family after the big earthquake.
We stayed in an AirBnB in this building built in 1933. It was typical of its era with front windows facing the street and an open courtyard in the back. 
The intricate interior woodwork and moldings were charming and interesting. 
The view off the balcony shows the typical narrow streets laid out in a checkerboard pattern of one-way streets. That pattern allows for fresh sea air to flow throughout the city.  
A day trip to the small seaside town Bagnara Calabra by train held some fun surprises. The main coastal highway can be seen high up on those trestles. Not a fun place for acrophobics!!
We got a good workout climbing up and down the steep streets and then.... 
.....resting on a bench looking out to the Aeolian Islands. In the distance we could see the active smoking volcano, Stromboli. It was a beautiful day!
While riding the train we heard some English conversation taking place behind our seats on the train and turned around to find seven missionaries! 
They were traveling to the fishing village of Scilla for a District P-day activity. 
Three from Utah, one from France, one from Pennsylvania, one from Portugal and one from Italy. 
What a fun surprise! 
On our train ride back to Rome, while passing through the beautiful region of Tropea, we looked out to see vast fields of onions ready to be harvested. 
We love those sweet Tropea onions!! It was great to see where they grow!  
Another interesting view from the train window...houses clinging to the hills. 

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