Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Special tour of the American Embassy in Rome


Thanks to the kindness of a friend, who is an Embassy employee, we were able to take a tour of this fascinating complex. We learned that there are three American Embassy branches housed here... 
1. Embassy to Italy
2. Embassy to the U.N. 
3. Embassy to the Holy See (the Vatican)

Since WWII, when one of the buildings was the headquarters of the U.S. Special Forces, the U.S. Embassy campus has been housed here in seven very interesting buildings, some from the Boncompani Ludovisi family estate and gardens.  

These three pictures are of one of the buildings which was the former palace of Queen Margherita of Savoy. She might be familiar to you...the Pizza Margherita is named after her! Not surprisingly, security was very tight and we were unable to take our phones into the complex. The above photos are not from our cameras but were found online.  
However, our Embassy friend did have permission to take this photo of all of us. We are near the statue of Venus by Giambologna sculpted in 1583 and located in the grand stairway of the palace. We loved this very special field trip to the American Embassy in Rome!!

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