Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Beautiful Interior Pictures - Courtesy of the Model

The temple is beautiful on the outside .......and on the inside!

There is a cut-away model of the temple interior in the Visitors Center. Below are close-up pictures I took of the model. So glad to share with you some of the spaces we work in everyday as we serve in the temple. 
The baptismal font is on the ground floor. The font is a unique oval shape and sits high on the backs of 12 marble oxen. The tiles inside the font are the most marvelous blue making the water look like the color of  ocean water. 
This grand staircase is the first thing you see after entering. 
Here is a better view of the floor tiles at the base of the stairs. They are in the pattern that stone artist Michaelangelo used in the Piazza del Campidoglio in old Rome. It is oval in shape with overlapping triangles forming a twelve-pointed star and is eye-catching.  
A chapel on the second floor is where the women workers gather each day for instruction before beginning their work shift. Pictured here is the Entry on the ground floor and the Sealing Waiting Rooms on the third floor.
Also on the second floor are the instruction or Endowment rooms with one leading into another. The first has beautiful painted murals on the walls depicting typical Italian hills, plants and animals and rolling plains leading to the rocky seashore and a large expanse of the sea. 
In this picture you can see one of the three Sealing Rooms on the third floor where families come to be united or sealed together for eternity. 
The crowning room in the entire temple is the Celestial Room. All instruction in the temple leads to being in this quiet, peaceful room. The vaulted ceilings, tall stain glass windows, and sparkling chandeliers draw your attention up and heavenward. The cares and worries of the world wash away for a while in this heavenly, peaceful space where it is easy to ponder the blessings of the temple, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and God's love for His children. 

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