Monday, September 12, 2022

A Field Trip to Orvieto in Umbria

We had a wonderful day exploring the town of Orvieto today with some fellow temple workers. Orvieto is located in Umbria, and is perched on a high volcanic crag. It is one of many picturesque medieval hilltop towns in Umbria.  

Orvieto's popularity comes from the beautiful Duomo which is it's centerpiece. It took some 300 years to build (begun in 1290). The breathtaking façade is made of mosaic tiles on a gold background and is one of Italy's greatest Romanesque Gothic cathedrals. 

The façade also has detailed carvings (c. 1320-30) that depict scenes from the Old and New Testaments. We enjoyed identifying the story of the creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, etc. but there were hundreds more scenes. In medieval times the common people could not read so artisans were commissioned to tell the stories from the Bible. 

The town is a maze of narrow, cobblestone streets with a very large selection of shops that sell gelato, pastry, pizza, meat, ceramics, clothes, art, etc. There are Etruscan caves, artifacts and structures to explore.

The views from the top of the hill looking down over crops and vineyard-covered plains and distant hillsides are amazing! It was a great field trip back into a little bit of Italy's history on a perfect, clear September day. 


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