Sunday, September 4, 2022

Getting Settled

We were humbled to have been assigned to a very nice apartment just 5 minutes from the temple.  It has all the comforts of home. It took us a few days to explore the cupboards and closets and to get unpacked but now we are all settled in. Some things are unique to living here....we will share some of those things as we go along. 

We were also surprised to be assigned a car! It's the white one with the steering wheel security bar. We are learning to drive with the Romans which requires nerves of steel and two sets of eyes trying to read the street signs and watch out for fast moving vehicles.  
So far we have found two modern, clean and well stocked grocery stores (super mercato) in close proximity to our apartment and within our driving comfort zone. The selection of cheeses, produce, fish, and bread are great! 

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