Thursday, September 8, 2022

La Casa Giallo Mistero- The Yellow House Mystery

Outside our apartment complex gates is an abandoned farmhouse with a red tile roof. The roof is old but looks water tight and the exterior walls and windows have been maintained. A wide grassy/dirt area surrounds it.  It is eye catching and nice to look at. But it seems incredibly out of place as it sits surrounded on three sides by at least four 100-unit apartment/condo buildings. 

A small building near the house has a wood-burning oven inside. The west side of the house looks out on several green grass and tree-filled acres. 
It’s obvious that the house has been here much longer than the apartment buildings. 
And there is a separate water trough and fountain structure. We would love to know the story of the Yellow House or in Italian “La casa gialla”. Why did they construct around it? Why didn't they knock it down to make room for another tall apartment building? Does it have historical significance? 
We are very curious and extremely intrigued!!?

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