Sunday, June 16, 2024

Back Home Again

 "Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave but not our hearts."

Our travel adventure ended with an amazing warm and wonderful airport homecoming welcome!!!
Oh, how we love this family of ours!!

After a stressful though successful baggage check-in we flew on time from Rome to Amsterdam. And then came the delay while the airplane's technical problem was repaired. The three hour wait in the beautiful Amsterdam airport wasn't so bad once we made the discovery of a hidden area with a view of the tarmac from very comfy lounge chairs.  

The Mission Office staff provided us with a ride to the airport. 
Each of those big suitcases weights just under 50 pounds!! 
Packing them was a challenge and lifting/loading them took super strength!!

Final dinner al fresco on our balcony in Rome.

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