Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Last Roman Hurray

 The ruins of the Baths of Caracalla was the location of our last hurray!!!

A little history...constructed around A.D. 215, and in use until about 530, the Caracalla complex spread over 62 acres and served more than 6,000 citizens per day. It was a massive, ornate space that included public baths, exercise centers, swimming pools, public libraries, and more. What remains of this once magnificent facility is now a tourist attraction and venue for concerts.

The event of our last hurray was a concert by our long-time favorite trio - Il Volo!!! 
A little more history.....We have been fans of this group for over a decade. We have watched them grow up from 15 year old boys to men now in their 30's. We love that each has a unique voice; Gianluca is a crooner like Bing Crosby, Ignazio has an easy to listen to tenor jazzy voice, and Piero has a rich operatic style. Together they describe their genre as "Popera" (pop-opera). Their concert did not disappoint!! 
We were surprised at the number of familiar American tunes mixed in with the traditional Italian ones. What was really fun was hearing the audience members around us sing along in English!!

Our favorite music performed with a backdrop of spectacularly lit ancient Roman ruins was a great way to wrap up our Roman Adventure!! It was a beautiful goodbye....bella ciao!!!

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